Top 19 Tiny Dogs With Big Personalities

Although small dogs have quite the reputation of being yappy, moody, and overall hard to deal with, everything you hear about them is nothing but stereotypical images and ideas from an outside perspective. Anyone who’s ever had a small dog can confirm that they’re, in fact, loving and extremely faithful to their owners. But, of course, each breed is different from the other in terms of character and easygoingness.


Weighing around 6 pounds and standing about 6 inches tall, Chihuahuas are one of the daintiest dog breeds. They’re descendants of a dog breed called Techichi and have originated from South America. They’re known for their apple-shaped head and big round eyes. As for their coat and colors, they come in a variety of different forms. In terms of personality, Chihuahuas don’t get along with kids very well due to their tender nature (considering how hard kids like to play). Otherwise, they adapt very quickly and are easily trained to fit any sort of human lifestyle.

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