Nutella Cake Recipe: A Step-by-Step Guide to Baking Bliss

In a world where sweet treats reign supreme, there’s one dessert that stands out for its irresistibly creamy, hazelnut-infused charm: the Nutella cake. This culinary masterpiece marries the beloved chocolate-hazelnut spread with the classic cake, resulting in a dessert that’s not just a treat for the taste buds but a celebration of flavor. Whether you’re a baking novice or a seasoned pro, this guide will walk you through creating the perfect Nutella cake, from gathering your ingredients to the final, delightful bite. Let’s embark on this delicious journey together, ensuring your dessert game is nothing short of spectacular.

Introduction to Nutella Cake

The Ultimate Guide to Baking the Perfect Nutella Cake

Ah, Nutella—that creamy, chocolatey spread that has found its way into the hearts (and pantries) of millions worldwide. Its rich flavor and velvety texture make it a favorite among dessert aficionados, and what better way to celebrate this love than by baking a Nutella cake? This guide is your all-access pass to creating a cake that’s moist, fluffy, and packed with that signature Nutella goodness.

Nutella, a marvel of Italian invention, was created in the 1940s by Pietro Ferrero as a solution to the cocoa shortage. Little did he know that his ingenious concoction of hazelnuts, sugar, and just a hint of cocoa would one day become a global phenomenon. Today, Nutella is not just a breakfast spread but a versatile ingredient that enhances any dessert it graces.

Baking a Nutella cake is more than just following a recipe; it’s about creating a moment of joy, a slice of happiness, that can be shared with friends and family. Whether it’s a special occasion or a treat-yourself Tuesday, this cake promises to deliver a burst of flavor in every bite. So, grab your apron, and let’s dive into the world of Nutella cakes, where every step is a step toward baking bliss.

What You’ll Need

Ingredients and Tools

Before we roll up our sleeves and start the magical process of transforming simple ingredients into a decadent Nutella cake, let’s make sure we have everything needed on hand. Preparing your ingredients and tools beforehand isn’t just a step—it’s a leap towards ensuring your baking adventure goes as smoothly as a well-oiled pan.

Ingredients List

First off, gather your cast of culinary characters. These ingredients are the building blocks of your masterpiece, so quality matters. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • All-purpose flour (2 cups) – The foundation of your cake, providing structure.
  • Granulated sugar (1 cup) – For that sweet melody that dances with Nutella’s hazelnut tones.
  • Baking powder (1 tsp) and baking soda (1/2 tsp) – The leavening agents that give your cake its lift and lightness.
  • Salt (1/2 tsp) – Just a pinch to balance the sweetness.
  • Eggs (3 large) – The binders, adding moisture and richness.
  • Vegetable oil (1/2 cup) – For a moist crumb that melts in your mouth.
  • Buttermilk (1 cup) – Its acidity reacts with the baking soda, contributing to a tender texture.
  • Vanilla extract (1 tsp) – A splash of vanilla enhances the flavors, bringing a subtle depth.
  • Nutella (1 cup) – The star of the show, swirled into the batter and used as frosting.

Required Baking Tools

With your ingredients ready, let’s talk tools. Having the right equipment can make all the difference in baking, turning potential pitfalls into a cakewalk.

  • Mixing bowls – You’ll need a few, ranging in size, for mixing your dry and wet ingredients.
  • Measuring cups and spoons – Precision is key in baking, so these are non-negotiable.
  • Whisk and spatula – For mixing your batter to just the right consistency.
  • Cake pans (2, 9-inch rounds) – These will serve as the canvas for your Nutella cake.
  • Parchment paper – To line your pans for easy cake release.
  • Wire rack – Essential for cooling your cakes properly to avoid sogginess.
  • Electric mixer (optional but helpful) – For a smooth and airy batter, and for whipping up that irresistible Nutella frosting.

With your ingredients and tools laid out, you’re now ready to embark on the actual baking journey. The anticipation builds as you’re just steps away from creating a Nutella cake that promises to be a showstopper. Stay tuned for the next part, where we’ll dive into the heart of the process: mixing, baking, and assembling your masterpiece.

Step-by-Step Recipe

How to Make a Nutella Cake: Step-by-Step Instructions

Now that we’ve got our ingredients and tools ready, it’s time to put them to work. Follow these detailed steps to bake a Nutella cake that’s bound to impress. Let the baking adventure begin!

Preparing the Batter

  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). This ensures your cake cooks evenly from the moment it goes in.
  2. Mix the dry ingredients. In a large bowl, whisk together the all-purpose flour, granulated sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Ensuring these are well combined sets the stage for a perfectly risen cake.
  3. Combine the wet ingredients. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, vegetable oil, buttermilk, and vanilla extract until the mixture is smooth and homogenous. This mixture will add moisture and richness to your cake.
  4. Merge the wet and dry. Gradually add the wet ingredients to the dry, mixing until just combined. Overmixing here can lead to a dense cake, so gentle is the name of the game.
  5. Fold in the Nutella. Warm the Nutella slightly to make it easier to work with, then fold about 3/4 cup into your batter, creating beautiful swirls. Save the rest for frosting.

Baking the Cake

  1. Prepare your pans. Line two 9-inch cake pans with parchment paper and lightly grease the sides. This step is crucial for easy removal after baking.
  2. Divide the batter. Evenly distribute the batter between the prepared pans, smoothing the tops with a spatula.
  3. Bake to perfection. Place the pans in the preheated oven and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Watch closely, as oven temperatures can vary.
  4. Cool down. After baking, let the cakes cool in the pans for 10 minutes, then transfer them to a wire rack to cool completely. Patience is key; frosting a warm cake can lead to melted messes.

Assembling and Frosting

  1. Prepare the frosting. Use the remaining Nutella as a simple yet delicious frosting. For a lighter texture, you can whip it with a tablespoon of softened butter and a dash of milk.
  2. Layer and frost. Place one cake layer on your serving plate and spread a generous layer of Nutella on top. Stack the second layer and cover the entire cake with a thin layer of Nutella for crumb coating. Chill for 15 minutes, then apply a final thick layer of Nutella frosting.
  3. Decorate. Let your creativity shine by decorating the cake with chopped hazelnuts, chocolate shavings, or even a drizzle of warmed Nutella.

And voilà, your Nutella cake is ready to be admired, sliced, and devoured. This cake not only looks stunning but promises a taste that’s equally divine, with layers of soft, moist sponge swirled with rich, creamy Nutella. Baking this cake is more than just a process; it’s a journey of flavors that culminates in a delicious masterpiece. Enjoy the fruits of your labor and share this delightful treat with friends and family, or keep it all to yourself—we won’t judge!

Additional Tips and Tricks

To ensure your Nutella cake is not just good but spectacular, here are some pro tips and tricks. These nuggets of wisdom will help you elevate your cake from delicious to unforgettable. Let’s dive into the details that make all the difference.

Pro Tips for a Perfect Nutella Cake

Room Temperature Ingredients:

Start with ingredients at room temperature, especially eggs and buttermilk. This little trick ensures a smoother batter that emulsifies better, leading to a cake that’s more tender and evenly baked.

Don’t Skimp on the Sift:

Sifting your dry ingredients might seem like an extra step, but it’s essential for a lump-free batter and a cake with a finer crumb. It also incorporates air, making your cake lighter.

The Right Flour:

While all-purpose flour works wonders, swapping a portion of it with cake flour can make your Nutella cake even softer and more tender. A mix of 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour and 1/2 cup cake flour is a good ratio.

Nutella Warm-Up:

Slightly warming the Nutella before folding it into the batter or using it as frosting makes it easier to work with. Just a few seconds in the microwave should do—be careful not to overheat.

Bake Evenly:

To ensure both cake layers bake evenly, consider using cake strips around your pans. If you don’t have cake strips, you can DIY them with wet towel strips. This prevents the edges from cooking too fast and results in flat tops that are easier to stack.

Frosting Like a Pro:

When frosting, use a turntable for smoother results. Apply a crumb coat of Nutella frosting first—a thin layer that traps crumbs—then chill the cake before applying the final, thicker layer. This technique ensures a crumb-free and professional-looking finish.

Customize Your Cake:

Don’t be afraid to add your twist to the Nutella cake. Incorporate crushed hazelnuts into the batter for extra crunch, or layer the cake with sliced bananas or strawberries for a fruity contrast.

Storage Tips:

If you’re not serving the cake immediately, store it in the refrigerator. Cover it loosely with plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out. Let it come to room temperature before serving to ensure the frosting is soft and spreadable.

Baking a cake, especially a Nutella cake, is as much about the journey as it is about the destination. These tips and tricks are your roadmap to a flawless baking experience, helping you navigate the common pitfalls and elevating your cake to the realm of baking brilliance. Remember, each bake is an opportunity to learn, improve, and, most importantly, enjoy the sweet rewards of your labor.

Nutritional Information

Creating a delicious Nutella cake is a rewarding experience, but it’s also essential to understand its nutritional content, especially if you’re mindful of your diet. Let’s break down the nutritional information of this delightful treat, providing you with insights into what you’re indulging in. This way, you can enjoy every bite with awareness and balance.

Health Facts: Nutella Cake Nutrition Information

It’s no secret that a Nutella cake, with its rich, creamy layers and chocolatey goodness, isn’t the lightest option on the menu. However, understanding its nutritional components can help you fit this dessert into a balanced diet, whether by adjusting portion sizes or making slight recipe modifications. Here’s a rough breakdown per slice (assuming the cake is divided into 12 portions):

  • Calories: Approximately 450-500 kcal. The main contributors are flour, sugar, and, of course, Nutella, which is calorie-dense.
  • Fats: Around 20-25g, with a mix of saturated and unsaturated fats. Nutella, vegetable oil, and eggs contribute to the fat content.
  • Carbohydrates: About 50-60g, primarily from sugar and flour. This includes a significant amount of sugars, given Nutella’s sugar content.
  • Proteins: Roughly 6-8g, coming mainly from eggs and the small amount of milk proteins in Nutella and buttermilk.
  • Fiber: Minimal, at about 2g per slice, unless you opt for whole wheat flour or add nuts for extra texture and fiber.
  • Sodium: Approximately 200-300mg, influenced by the added salt and baking soda.

While the Nutella cake is certainly a treat, there are ways to make it slightly healthier without compromising its delectable taste:

  1. Reduce Sugar: You can slightly reduce the sugar in the batter, as Nutella itself is quite sweet.
  2. Swap Oil for Applesauce: For a lower-fat version, replace some of the vegetable oil with unsweetened applesauce.
  3. Whole Wheat Flour: Consider using half whole wheat flour to increase the fiber content.
  4. Add Nuts: Incorporate chopped hazelnuts into the batter or as a topping for added nutrients and fiber.

Enjoying a slice of Nutella cake on a special occasion is a delightful experience. By understanding its nutritional profile, you can make informed choices that fit your lifestyle and dietary preferences. Remember, balance is key, and there’s always room for dessert in a well-rounded diet.


Can I make this cake gluten-free?

Absolutely! To make a gluten-free Nutella cake, simply swap the all-purpose flour for your favorite gluten-free flour blend. Ensure it’s a 1:1 substitution blend to keep the texture as close to the original as possible.

Can I use homemade Nutella?

Yes, you can! Homemade Nutella or any hazelnut chocolate spread will work beautifully in this recipe. Making your Nutella allows you to adjust the sweetness and texture to your liking, adding a personal touch to the cake.

How can I make the cake dairy-free?

For a dairy-free version, substitute the buttermilk with a plant-based milk mixed with a tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice to mimic the acidity. Also, ensure your Nutella or chocolate hazelnut spread is dairy-free.

Can I freeze the Nutella cake?

This cake freezes well, both frosted and unfrosted. Wrap the cake layers or slices individually in plastic wrap and freeze. Thaw overnight in the refrigerator before serving or decorating.

Why did my cake come out dry?

Dryness can result from overbaking or measuring the flour incorrectly. Always use a toothpick to check doneness and spoon the flour into the measuring cup, leveling it off without packing it down.

Can I turn this recipe into cupcakes?

Yes! This batter works great for cupcakes. Fill cupcake liners about two-thirds full and reduce the baking time to 18-20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

My frosting is too thick; what can I do?

If your Nutella frosting is too thick, gently warm it to spread more easily. For a lighter frosting, whip it with a little milk or cream until it reaches your desired consistency.

Can I add extra fillings to the cake?

Definitely! Layer the cake with sliced strawberries, bananas, or a sprinkle of chopped hazelnuts in between the layers for added texture and flavor.


In wrapping up our journey through the creation of a delectable Nutella cake, it’s clear that this isn’t just any dessert. It’s a celebration of flavors, a testament to the joy of baking, and a tribute to the versatility of Nutella. From gathering the ingredients to savoring that first bite, each step in the process is an opportunity to create memories and share happiness.

Remember, baking is as much about the process as it is about the final product. Whether you’re baking for a special occasion or just a regular day, the Nutella cake stands out as a symbol of indulgence, love, and the simple pleasures in life. So, take these tips, FAQs, and nutritional insights with you as you embark on your next baking adventure.

Happy baking, and may your Nutella cake be as sweet and fulfilling as the journey you’ve taken to create it.

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