About Us

Barkil is your your friendly guide through the twists and turns of life’s diverse topics!

Our blog also provides its readers with interesting facts and figures; we’re about the heart of the matter. Think of our articles as conversations over a warm cup of coffee

If you’re new to the world of domesticated animals’ companionship, buckle up and enjoy the ride through all the options that we offer you to take a look at. From reptiles and birds to cats and dogs, the choices are infinite. That’s when our blog comes in handy, our duty is to help you take bafflement out of the equation by listing pros and cons to the choices you have in mind, that way, next time you visit the pet shop you’ll know exactly what to get.

And of course, our advice and recommendations are based on real-life experiences and medical discoveries, and they cover just about everything you might need both as a foster parent and an actual pet owner. With the help of our blog, your pet will be in good hands.

With that being said, we have yet to reach our goal of diversification. We’re aiming to embody the healthy pet owners community that the world needs, by eliminating all false information and misperceptions and replacing those with backed up data, that way we can overcome all toxic thoughts and spread positivity and love.

It doesn’t matter if you own a hamster or a lizard, a dog or a snake. It really just comes down to the way you treat them. Be the change you wanna see in the world. Be your pet’s best friend.

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