11 Facts About Pandas I Bet You Didn’t Know

Pandas are cute. That’s not a biased opinion but an actual fact. Their size and fur-covered bodies as well as their bubbly personality make them absolutely gladsome. Aside from their cuteness, there’s a lot more to pandas than meets the eye. So buckle up as we walk you through some of the most interesting facts about pandas, and unveil truths that you might have never gotten to know otherwise. You’re welcome!

Their food

While pandas are vegetarian for the most part, they still feast on rodents from time to time. But their diet mainly consists of bamboo due to its nutritional benefits and how fulfilling it is to them. That being said, they still need large amounts in order to maintain their weight and remain full and healthy. The average panda consumes up to 80 pounds of bamboo daily. This sounds enormous, but are we really that surprised?

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