10 Dog Breeds That Will Fit Right Into Your Couch-Potato Lifestyle

 If you’re a lazy potato who’s looking to get a dog, you must be struggling to find one that fits your personality and has just about the same energy level as you. Playing and running around with your dog could be exhausting, especially if your pooch’s breed is on the lively and active side. 

What would be perfect for you instead is a chill and laid-back pup that enjoys indoors quality time with its owner. Just imagine how fun it would be for you and your doggo to be able to snuggle on the couch for a movie, or a well-deserved nap after having a long tough day of not doing anything. If this is what you’re looking for, we’ve got you covered. Here are 10 dog breeds that are perfect for your couch-potato lifestyle.

English Bulldog

This dog breed could easily be the absolute laziest in the dog world. But due to their heftiness, they need to be exercised daily in order to maintain a healthy physique and hopefully live longer. But don’t worry, the necessary activities to keep them healthy range from skateboarding and surfing all the way to playing fetch from the comfort of your own home. A few minutes to keep your pooch healthy, and you’re both ready to go back to energy-saving mode.

French Bulldog

French Bulldogs love nothing more than just napping and laying around all day. Their favorite hobbies are those that don’t include a lot of activity and running around. They’re definitely delightful to share your couch with in order to keep you company. And occasionally, you might even find them catching some ZZZs on your very own bed.


Havanese are persistent when it comes to their beauty sleep. They enjoy staying indoors and having some quality sleep to keep them looking ravishing and youthful. But they also enjoy socializing with people and being outside for walks and/or park visits. This dog breed has its needs sorted out, and it’s absolutely adorable.

Saint Bernard

Their cute and cuddly furry bodies are enough to let you know how sluggish and lazy they are. Saint Bernards are absolutely delightful for people who like to perform little to no activities. Their thick coat makes outdoor activities a little less fun for them, especially when it’s hot outside; which is perfect to fulfill your couch-potato lifestyle fantasies.


It’s no surprise that Pugs made a place for themselves on our list. They are the epitome of laziness and we can’t help but love that. There’s nothing more a Pug enjoys than a good night’s sleep and a few peaceful naps throughout the day to get a little extra ready for the load of affection that it will be demanding once it wakes up. Pugs might be lazy, but they know exactly how to live the good life.


Basenjis are another lazy dog breed that will work perfectly if you’re not big on going out and getting all tired and sweaty outside. They’re absolutely unashamed of their nature and would sleep just about everywhere and in any position under the sun. They wholeheartedly embrace their inactive lifestyle and we think this is truly inspiring.


The first thing people notice about Pomeranians is how cute and tiny they are. Captivating face, small furry body, and a big dog attitude. Pomeranians definitely take the cake when it comes to how charming they are. But what makes them even more perfect is how laid-back and lazy they are. They might steal your heart with how cute they look when they’re sleeping, so watch out.

Labrador Retriever

Sometimes when life gets rough, a nap is the way to go. This coping mechanism works for doggos as well and the Labrador Retriever is the living proof of that. Labrador Retrievers are cute, charming, and very pleasant to be around. But when times are tough, they opt for a much-needed nap to let reset their mood. Be right back, I can’t handle all the cuteness my heart is crying.


Admittedly one of the loveliest and most adorable dog breeds out there, especially when they’re ‘drunk’ on sleep and are in need of a quick fix right there and then. They could sleep just about everywhere and the sight is an absolute delight to watch. Looking for a lazy yet outlandishly cute dog? a Beagle is definitely the one for you.

Tibetan Spaniel

Unlike other dog breeds on this list, Tibetan Spaniels are also very alert and outgoing. There’s no doubt that this dog breed is still on the lazy side but once they’re awake, Tibetan Spaniels are curious and like to investigate their surroundings and keep themselves entertained. One would say they’re the perfect combination of lazy and facetious. Get yourself a Tibetan Spaniel and your life is never going to be the same.

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